Sunday, October 28, 2012

Our 'Big Girl' turns 2!

On October 28, Olivia turned 2! This post is all about the sweet girl that we love so much and who makes us laugh every day.

Olivia is a little fire cracker. We try not to spoil her too much, but she seems to know instinctively that she is the boss, and isn't afraid to tell you what to do. She is always coming up with new words and ways of expressing herself...she is able to speak well enough that she can say any word she wants to. This morning while watchin Sesame Street she did refuse to say 'investigate'...but I think she was just being sassy.  My favorite sentence to date was last week when I asked her where Grandma was. I honestly didn't know, and expected her normal response of 'iuh-no (I don't know)', but she surprised me with 'na-ma go food need nanas'. I was floored, but she was exactly right. A few minutes later Mary came back from the grocery store, bananas (and other food) in hand.

As you can see from these pictures, she definitely no longer looks like a baby, and is getting more and more independent and 'kid-like' every day. She is a great big sister, always trying to help Carter to be happy *please note that she equates happy with silent, and is constantly shoving his pacifier into his mouth to help him :)*. She loves mimicking mom with her babies; she feeds, diapers, and puts them down for naps multiple times a day. One of my favorite things is watching her hold her baby carrier just the way that I carry Carter's carseat as she walks around the house pointing out things for her baby to see.

Her official stats from the doctor:
Height: 35" (83%)        Weight: 25 lb 1 oz (30%)

We have definitely hit some of the terrible twos, but they aren't all that terrible. We have mostly noticed that her automatic response to anger is to throw whatever she has, but if we catch it early enough she is able to control it. She knows that a thrown toy is a lost toy, and anything thrown at a person means time out. I think her ability to let us know what she needs and wants has really helped curb the terrible twos, but I know that we are in for much more. This girl is just learning to scheme, and I know that she has quite a few good adventures left before her toddlerhood ends.

I can't believe that two years ago I held this beautiful girl for the first time. She is such a blessing in my life and the lives of everyone around her. I can't wait to see all the new skills and fun times that the next year holds.

1 comment:

  1. This is so precious!! I loved every word of it - and of course every picture too. I miss O!!
